Diagnostic help window includs:

The description of diagnostics window.

Diagnostic window has two parts. At the top of the window there are elements for tests running. All these tests are prepared for user help. They make it possible to test the KKO hardware and verify KKO correctness without servicing by manufacturer. Below, there are one line window in order to show test's details.

At the bottom part of "Diag" window there are the table for showing all 30 or 60 PCM's channels. There are states available from KKO's point of view. All states are updated in about 1 second time automatically. It makes possible to watch all interesting information.

At the bottom of the window there is battery status bar. The bar shows (in graphic form) battery current voltage and next, on the right side of the part, there is listing of voltage value details. The battery e.g. CR2032 nominal value 3V should be replaced if the voltage falls down about 2V. The battery is used to keep values in real time clock. There are color symbol bar at the bottom too. Nominal values are between 2-3,5V (green bar). Yellow bar means warning - the battery should be replaced. Don't use the battery with voltage higher than 3.5V

The list of accessible tests in KKO is as follows:

PCM route interfaces 1/2

The test is based on digital loopback in each MT9075 interface on the KKO. After looping some internal digital signals are sent. Both trunks PCMA and PCMB are tested on the KKO60 whilst only existed PCMA is tested on the KKO30 card. Synchronization state or lack of synchronization doesn't matter for test's results. However running test can disturb existing conference so it is good idea to close all conferences before this test.

VOX module

In this test the PCM channel incoming to VOX input is simulated by digital loopback. Some signals with different amplitudes are generated. If VOX module works correctly proper information is detected from VOX module. The VOX detectors are all permanently connected to proper input trunks, so only one VOX module is tested on the KKO30 card. Synchronization state or lack of synchronization doesn't matter for test's results. However running test can disturb existing conference so it is good idea to close all conferences before this test.

DTMF receivers/transceivers

There are 4 DTMF hardware receivers on the KKO. In this test the output signal is loopped with the input. For each DTMF channel all available DTMF tones are sending from internal digital DTMF source. If each transmitted signal is received correctly, it means that both transceiver and receiver work correctly. Synchronization state or lack of synchronization doesn't matter for test's results. However running test can disturb existing conference so it is good idea to close all conferences before this test.

Conference devices

In this test conference's device digital input is simulated from looped internal digital source. There are other values in the input and next proper output is tested. If all output digital data are decoded corectly, the conference device is recognize as correct. This test runs for all 5 conferences. Synchronization state or lack of synchronization doesn't matter for test's results. However running test can disturb existing conference so it is good idea to close all conferences before this test.

Announcement memory

In this test announcement's microcontroller SND returns and tests all following data: state of flash memory, SND microprocessor communication, recorded announcements, the length of the announcements and data integrity. If all answers are correct it means that announcement's hardware is correct.

Possible test's results.

Proper test can be selected by checking proper radio button or by pressing proper button concerning given test. Next, the test can be started by pressing 'Start Test' button. Incoming results are displayed in result line and module's states are displayes on proper buttons as one of following states:

Image:but_ok.jpg Test passed correctly. The module works properly.
Image:but_error.jpg Test failed. The module is broken. Run the test again and if the error repeats contact with service please.
Image:but_none.jpg Test unavailable. A module doesn't exist in this version of the KKO card.
Image:but_busy.jpg Test unavailable at the moment. A module is busy. Try again later.

The list of accessible channel's states of trunk monitor.

The KKO state monitor is in the bottom of diagnostic window. It shows all PCM channels connected to the KKO. There are states visible from the KKO point of view. Every state is described by the colout and short text. Following list shows all available ststes:

Image:st_out.jpg Out - channel in asynchronic, unplugged or nonexisted trunk.
Image:st_free.jpg Free - channel in synchro state, free, ready to work.
Image:st_precn.jpg PreCn - channel in incoming to the KKO traffic, phase before conference selection.
Image:st_pre1.jpg PreCn - channel in incoming to the KKO traffic, phase after conference selection (here:conference no 1)
Image:st_splx1.jpg Splx1 - channel in conference in simplex mode. Conference's number is shown in text (here: conference no 1).
Image:st_dplx1.jpg Dplx1 - channel in conference in doplex mode. Conference's number is shown in text (here: conference no 1).
Image:st_hunt.jpg Hunt - channel in hunting connection. The same status for both "hare" and "hunter".
Image:st_menu.jpg Menu - channel in voice menu (conference "0").
Image:st_call1.jpg Call1 - channel in outgoing from the KKO traffic, subscriber called. Conference's number is shown in text (here: conference no 1).
Image:st_disc.jpg Disc - channel in disconnection phase. Usually he is listening an announcement at the end of conference or connection.
Image:st_spec.jpg Spec - channel in special mode e.g. when the announcement is recorded from this channel