The bookmark Conferences makes it possible to set any options for each conference single. For single conference you can set:
- Global password. This is basic access password defined globally
for the conference.
- Password is required. If this option is switched on, the access
password will be required for self entering parties. A proper announcement appears
at the beginning of the connection. Next, the password is received and analysed
according to following rules.
- Allowed passwords. There are 3 possible sources of passwords :
estzblished by schedule record, private individual
passwords loaded to the card with predefined groups, and global
passwords for the conference. This is a place where the uset is able to select
which password will be analysed. If you check all sources, it will be enough if
any password will be imputed.
- Conference available. It is possible to set up availability of every
conference. Possible owners are : conference for dispatcher for kClient
software users logged on dispatcher level only, conferencje established by
schedule record, and conference ad hoc in MeetMe mode.
This is a case where the conference is free and parties enters himself. If this
option is switched off, they will not enter into conference themselves.
- Announcements begin/end. There are two announcements in the conference :
at the beginning and at the end of the conference. If these option will be switched off
there will not be additional announcement in the conference.
- Insertion tone. This option switches on insertion tone if next participant
appears in the conference.
- Ticker tone in conference. This is periodic warning tone emitted in given
period of time all the time in the conference. Thanks to this signal, all participants
are able to realize that they are in conference connection.
- Call repetition. Call repetition procedure is called in following cases :
after temporization time when an exchange stops a call, next after
detection subscriber's busy state and after given caling time.
In this case the call is stopped for the time and next the party can be called once again.
- Hold duplex time. This is holding time in duplex mode after stop speaking.
This is important parameter in automatic swiching between simplex and dumplex mode.
- Ticker period time in conference. This is a period of time in special warning
tone generation.
- Voice attenuation. Makes possibility of set up voice attenuation.
It concerns duplex mode only.
- Group restrictions of access to conference. It is possible to switch on/off
group restrictions in conference. If this option is switched on, self-access will be
possible for predefined group participants only. Thanks this feature it is possible
to limit traffic according to group participation.
- There are 32 check boxes below make possible to define this restriction and two buttons : for
fast switching on/off for all groups.
- Presented KKO's number in outgoing connections. This is calling party number
sent to an exchange in presentation feature purpose. This number will be in use
if an option "Presentation of calling number with individual conference's number"
is switched on in bookmark : Settings->Other.