General information

The KKO4 card includes 4 cooperating processors :

Each processor has bootloader software besides normal firmware. So it makespossible to load firmware from proper HEX file. This process is executed via LAN and Xport device - so, it doesn't require extra hardware or software. The user is able to download the newest firmware and reload it to given processor himself.
Downloading process for PCM,SND and VOX processors is carried out indirectly via ETH processor, the ETH processor can be upgraded directly. All upgrades for PCM,SND and VOX run in online mode only from kClient software. The ETH processor can be upgraded in online mode too, however in fact it is automatically logged out before loading new firmware.

Beginning from 4.21 version there is running compatibility mechanism procedure. All processors on the card and kClient software must be loaded with the same number of version (e.g. 4.21). In order to upgrade all system to newer version it is necessary:

Required steps:

Additional notices for upgrading processors on the KKO: